Driverless Cars More Secure Maybe, But Your Privacy May Be Put at Risk

Thrifty Auto Shipping is a well-known auto transport company recognized for their top tier full-service cheap auto shipping services. As a major player in the car shipping industry, Thrifty Auto Shipping enjoys sharing the latest industry related news with their customers. Here’s the latest info from a recent article in “The Guardian” regarding the privacy concerns of the new driverless cars movement.

Driverless cars could be the new "gold mine" for privately owned businesses or thieves looking to use your private information which makes consumers yet again an easy target, warns an Australian law professor Des Butler of the Queensland University of Technology. He stated the protection dangers associated with driverless cars were a "sleeper issue" that controllers were yet to completely consider, despite the fact that auto producers say the innovation could be on streets in Australia by 2020. “These vehicles will know where you like to frequent, which businesses, and may very well build a profile of you,” Butler said. “People will go into these things not realizing just how much data the vehicle will be generating about them and not knowing the extent to which the data can be used.”

Ian Christensen, the managing director of iMOVE suggested there still needs to be further examination into who actually owns the data produced by the auto, and the rights of the consumers, producers, insurers and government organizations. He said people were “justifiably concerned about the collection of data and its subsequent use” and required a “clear understanding of what data is being collected” and why. It was further stated that “It is a sleeper issue because the focus on these vehicles in the public eye is on safety, not on the privacy or data production aspect of these vehicles.” It's time to look at all angles of safety and privacy regarding these driverless cars.


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